Autumn in Bavaria: all the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” Albert Camus

Everyone is usually complaining about Autumn. The days become shorter and colder, the trees lose their glory, and summer’s life starts to decay toward winter’s death, many people get melancholic. I will show you how horrible this season really is. Here are some shots I took last year in Schliersee, a lovely lake in Bavaria.



Terrible season, isn´t it?

Too often we are afraid of the dark and we löve only the light, me first. When we watch trees losing their leaves in fall, we remember that Nature’s cycles are mirrored in our lives. But Autumn is a season of great beauty and is full of promises. Seeds are planted and leaves are processed since earth prepares for next green rise in spring. So life processes and seeds us the same way autumn does to the earth. That´s how possibilities are planted in us even in the most difficult times of our lives.


Because we live in a culture that prefers the easiest and obvious solutions to the complex ones, we have a hard time when we have to handle opposites together. We want light without darkness, the happiness of spring and summer without the demands of autumn and winter, the pleasures without the pains in our life.

Looking back, I can see how the job as a medical researcher I lost several years ago pushed me to find a new direction, a complete different work that was mine to do, how the road closed sign turned me towards an unknown path I’m happy I traveled, how much love I have found when I abandoned my stupid fears towards the stranger, a different culture from mine. In these experiences, I felt like something was dying, but silently and intimately the seeds of new life were giving their fruits in my life.

So Autumn is not such a bad season in the end, right?

Which artist would paint a sad melancholic scene with these vibrant colours? It’s such an ugly time when all the leaves turn red, golden-yellow and brown. (shots taken 3 years ago in Schloss Nymphenburg park, Munich)



Who wants to go for a walk with me when it’s so dark the season outside?



“You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintery light. But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen.” Hernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast.

With Love,
